Dan Froomkin
White House Briefing Columnist
Wednesday, April 6, 2005; 1:00 PM
What do you think of Pres. Bush's statement Tues. that the U.S. Treasury bonds in the Social Security trust fund are worthless? Considering that foreigners hold more than $4 trillion of U.S. debt, what would happen if the rest of the world took him seriously and decided to dump their U.S. bonds?
Could this possibly be Shrub's stupidest statement ever?
I think it's safe to say that the White House is taking advantage of this confusion to try to increase doubt about Social Security's future, and possibly get some changes made.
Isn't that extremely unethical?
For comparison, do you happen to know when else Bush has ordered flags to half staff? And were any of those other times in honor of heads of state, religious leaders, or other non-Americans? Thanks.
When will the Senate Intelligence Committee get around to releasing it's report on White House decision making regarding WMDS? This was delayed in the fall because it would "affect the election."
We had a fracas here last week at the old Lowry Air Base where the White House hosted one of its townhall meetings on Social Security. Before it began, burly types succeeded in muscling three activists off the premises. I understand the burly type were later shown to be a GOP operative, not Secret Service?
My husband defended the White House action on the grounds that the event was private. I understand these events to be public, and taxpayer financed.
What's going on?
Your column on Monday included a quote from Jim Nicholson, former U.S. ambassador to the Vatican, who told Fox News' Chris Wallace about a conversation that Pope John Paul II had with him about President Bush: "And the discussion he (the Pope) wanted to have that morning with me was about President Bush, who he admired greatly for his value system..."
I'm a Catholic, and I see huge differences between the ethics and morals of John Paul II and George Bush. With the Pope not being able to defend himself against inaccuracies by Jim Nicholson, are we now at the beginning of a new White House PR campaign to portray John Paul II and Bush as practically equivalent personalities, and will the media question this?
I have some friends who think that the extreme Christian right wing Republican political circus which occurred around the Terri Schiavo case will be the beginning of their undoing or somehow that it backfired big time.
I didn't follow it closely enough to have an opinion one way or the other. What is your sense of what the political fallout is around that case?
Thank you.
What's your take on why Bush is so doggedly
pushing his social security overhaul? It seems
clear that most peple either don't want it or don't
care, and even fellow Republicans are shying
So why the massive campaign?
Thanks, and keep us the great work.
"White House spokesman Scott McClellan would not answer repeated questions about whether President Bush was aware of -- or believed or discounted -- assertions made recently by freed detainees that they were tortured by other governments after they were transferred abroad by the CIA."
Bring it on!
I think it's safe to say that the White House is taking advantage of this confusion to try to increase doubt about Social Security's future, and possibly get some changes made.
There is no love lost between Carter and Bush.
Remember Carter's speech at the Democratic convention?
Now, mind you, Clinton's speech was not exactly sweetness and light ("Strength and wisdom are not opposing values") but since then, Clinton and the Bushes have become very palsy-walsy. (Clinton and Bush the elder are of course tsunami travel buddies now.)
So the three presidentes are likely to enjoy each other's company on the way to Rome. It would not have been like that with the stern, moralistic Carter around.
That said, the official line is that Carter graciously made way for others when he heard there was only room for five.
Just wanted to say that I loved your use of google search links to illustrate the non-responsiveness of press secretary Scott McClellan's answers.
We shouldn't be surprised one day when he is replaced with a robot that just gives canned talking points to whatever questions that are asked.
(In yesterday's column about the blogger who asked Scott McClellan a question, I hyperlinked Scott's answer to Google searches showing how many times he had used those same stock non-answers previously.)
I may just have to do that again.
Today's column has a lot on this issue.
And while there is some evidence that Bush himself doesn't fully comprehend all the details here (remember, for instance, my March 7 column about how he confused everyone when he suddenly described his carve-out proposal as an add-on?) I can assure you that his aides know exactly what they're doing. Stupid like a fox.
I have no idea why reporters' names and/or employers don't appear on the White House website. Has this always been the policy with prior administrations? And is there any place (other than selected excerpts in your column of course!) where the average reader can get an idea of who is asking what?
I think the Gannon affair, and all the ensuing discussion about the other characters still in the briefing room, sometimes asking pointed, bizarre and opinionated questions at times, suggests that the public should absolutely know who's asking.
Excellent idea.
I believe it has always been this way, but I will ask the press office if they would consider changing their policy. And I'll report back.
This was clearly far and above foreign-head-of-state treatment.
Why aren't more news outlets questioning the White House and the Treasury Department about excluding those who disagree with their Social Security plan from the "town hall meetings." If a person can be excluded not for a security reason, but for their beliefs, isn't this a violation of a citizen's First Amendment rights? Since the tour is using taxpayer money, couldn't the inclusion of only supportive people in the meetings be a misappropriation of money for a partisan event?
Today's installment includes a letter from two Democratic representatives calling for a congressional investigation.
Now, two Republican representatives from Colorado have expressed concern, too, but I don't think that at this point it's too likely that the Republican leadership will let such an investigation start up.
Because the commission operated in such secrecy, and because the initial news stories about the report inevitably concentrated on what it said, we are entirely in the dark about the commission's internal dynamics. (Except for McCain's assertion that everything was hunky-dory.)
I for one would like to know, was it Silberman's show? Or did he actually let Robb run things too? Knowing what I know about their personalities, the former is a distinct possibility. And I counted words in their joint press conference. Silberman said three words for every one of Robb's -- plus he jumped in to answer questions specifically posed to Robb, etc.
I'd like someone to do a reconstruction of how the commission operated.
Such a reconstruction would also address how they came to that most startling of conclusions: That the intelligence process wasn't political.
For John Paul I, the U.S. delegation was headed by Lillian Carter, the mother of President Carter. It also included Sen. Thomas Eagleton (D-Mo), Mayor Edward Koch of New York and Connecticut Gov. Ella Grasso.
For Paul VI, just a few weeks before that, Vice President Mondale led the delegation, which included Rosalynn Carter.
But the fact that a blogger asked it was. And it turned out to be a nice case study for the charade that is the modern press briefing.
I wouldn't mind seeing some more bloggers in there, asking questions -- hopefully some from the right as well as the left.
And it's an easily exploited weakness by figures in the news.
I try to do what you said fairly often, but even I, with my theoretically endless news hole, find myself challenged by the fact that many of these nonanswers go on forever. Quoting them ad infinitum would not be a great service to anyone.
That said, YES. I agree. I think every newspaper (and certainly every newspaper Web site) should start a "Frequently Unanswered Questions" feature (although perhaps with a different acronym) in which questions that the public wants -- and has a right -- to know the answers to are listed, until they are in fact answered.
For starters, I kind of like a variation on the question that lefty blogger blurted out on Friday (see yesterday's column), i.e.: "Is the doctrine of preemption still in effect, and if so how would it work?"
Those instructions, by the way, are as follows:
"Men must wear a dark business suit and a dark tie; women should wear a dark suit with skirt at knee or below the knee level and may choose to wear the traditional black mantilla, although this is not obligatory."
"Q What about President Carter? I know you dealt with this yesterday a little bit, but is there -- do you have any further word on whether he was actually invited, and declined?
"MR. McCLELLAN: I expressed to your news organization, as well as some others who called, he was invited. We did reach out to him to invite him to participate in the delegation, and you all saw the statement from his office, as well. It was his decision to make. We would have been more than happy to have him be a part of the delegation to Rome."
As for Clinton and the Bushes?
"Q What are they doing? Are they reading or sleeping?
"MR. McCLELLAN: They dispersed and went different ways and are doing their own thing right now.
"Q Are they swapping lies? (Laughter.)
"MR. McCLELLAN: They've been having a good visit."
In your column yesterday you mentioned supplying questions to the "Ask the White House" chat regarding Social Security. Bush certainly made it sound like there is no trust fund. I didn't see any questions, however, regarding how we are still overpaying Social Security taxes to go into the trust fund (which you brought up months ago). Is this being discussed at all, or is it expected that the public is overlooking that when Bush proclaims there is no trust fund?
In fact, historically, at times, both Democrats and Republicans have come out against spending Social Security's surplus on other things (remember the "lock box"?) I believe Clinton even talked about maybe investing it (en masse) in private stocks and bonds.
I thought Chuck Blahous's comment, that I wrote about in today's column, was interesting. He seemed to be suggesting that that the surplus money should be used to start funding private accounts.
Staffed by large Republicans, apparently.
But public.
Campaign events paid for with campaign funds were private.
Not these.
Bush I, Bush II and (I hate to admit it) Clinton = Partisan, cynical career political hacks. Thanks.
Apparently, Scott needs a little warmup so he can get used to answering questions in a direct manner. If the simple ones can't get answered, then the WH press corps should quit giving the WH a forum and start digging for news in another manner.
There's got to be alternative ways to get information.
Your suggestion, while amusing, would not be highly effective.
That said, there is an alternative way of digging for news -- it's called "digging for news."
It is clear from what I've read that the pope and Bush shared some beliefs. They also had their differences. Someone captured it nicely when they said the two men agreed about the "culture of life" but not so much about the "culture of death."
I thought Bush was surprisingly direct when he acknowledged at his news conference Monday that the pope "didn't like war. And I fully understood that, and I appreciated the conversations I had with the Holy Father on the subject."
I am quite sure the White House will be going to great pains to point out the shared beliefs.
That said, I'm still not sure that the lasting effects of Schiavo won't be positive for the GOP. The half-life for news stories among most people is negligible. People who care zealously about an issue, however, remember it longer.
And yet again, there was a sign of a potential backlash just this morning. Susan Page, writing in USA Today about their latest poll, reports that by "more than 2-to-1, 39%-18%, Americans say the 'religious right' has too much influence in the Bush administration."
Right now, Democrats benefit from their association with this very popular program. That could end.
And imagine a nation full of stockholders! Wouldn't they be more likely to vote Republican, if they felt more invested in the success of corporate America?
OK, reporters out there: If it's good enough for Priest and Pincus, how 'bout you?
I see that Democrats are inviting Bush "to participate in a National Town Hall on Social Security, to hear all sides of the debate."
On that delightfully sycophantic note, I will wrap up. Sorry I couldn't get to more of your wonderful questions.
And a fond farewell to producer Meredith Bragg, who has been very patient with me over the months, and is off to travel the world. Bon voyage!
See the rest of you in two weeks.