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A Special Message From Dan Froomkin

My White House Watch column for is no more, but you can now read me over at the Huffington Post, where I am Washington Bureau Chief. My work appears here. This is my RSS Feed.

This is a wonderful opportunity for me. It's a marvelous platform -- Arianna Huffington has built a large and thriving community of readers by adhering to the best principles of old and new media. And my new job gives me a chance to branch out a bit, while holding firm to my commitment to accountability journalism. Now I'll have a chance to work as part of a great team, and do a bit more of my own reporting as well as commentary and media criticism..

The extraordinary response to my departure from The Washington Post once again illustrated how much readers hunger for a new - or perhaps I should say old - method of political reporting: One that doesn't rely on stenography or "splitting the difference," but involves knowledgeable and trusted reporters calling things as they see them, speaking the truth -- and letting the chips fall where they may.

My new job is a great opportunity to work with exciting new colleagues, hold the powerful accountable, expose corruption, explain how Washington really works -- and write about politics and government not as if it were just a game, but recognizing that it matters profoundly to every one of us.

I'm eager to hear your reaction and advice, as always. E-mail me at

And one final note: I will continue serving in a part-time capacity as deputy editor of

White House Watch

Dan Froomkin's White House Watch has ended its run on

Read my final post and find my Obama archives here.

Browse my Bush archives here.

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